8.30am Sunday - BCP Eucharist
This is a quiet, said service using the 1662 Book of Common Prayer and is very traditional. There is no music at this service at all, and consequently can feel very prayerful and spiritual.
10am Sunday - Parish Communion
This is our principal service on a Sunday.
It is held every week and Junior Church runs alongside throughout the year, except during August. On the third Sunday of the month an All Age Communion Service is held – please see the next entry below.
Junior Church, held ‘alongside’ the 10.00 Parish Communion Service, caters for all ages of youngster from three to eight at the Old Stables during the first half of the service. This means all ages in the church family join together in greeting and then, by separating, get to hear and receive ‘teaching’ and instruction appropriate to them. The children leave to go down to the Old Stables (the Church Hall next to the church on Back Church Lane) close to the start of the service, they then return in time for the communion and for all to receive God’s blessing as His family together.
The Communion Service has two readings plus the Gospel for the day, hymns are gradually being reintroduced and a sermon is preached. The service usually lasts about an hour. Members of other churches are very welcome to join us any Sunday, and if you wish to share in the sacrement then please feel free to do so. If you do not feel comfortable receiving the sacraments, then either bring a service sheet or book up to the communion rail and receive a blessing, or remain in your pew at the appropriate time.
Please note that this service will probably be streamed live on our YouTube channel. Click here (external site)
You are especially welcome to meet and get to know people over coffee and biscuits afterwards at the Old Stables. You turn left out of the church door and follow the ‘crowds’.
10am Sunday - All Age Worship - Every Third Sunday In The Month
Every third Sunday in the month, although we do sometimes adopt this service style for Mothering Sunday, Harvest Festival and other Church Festivals, we have a more informal service. At this children lead the readings, including presenting a dramatised reading of the day’s Gospel reading, they also lead the prayers and the service is shorter in length and simpler in language than other Sunday Parish Communions. We also may have a music group, not limited to just the youngsters, who accompany us instead of the organ.
When operational, the Music Group meets in church at 9am to run through the hymns and any children wanting to participate in the prayers and readings should meet in the Old Stables at 9.30am. If you would like to find out more about the Music Group, then please contact [email protected]
Children stay with their families for this service in church on these Sundays.
Please note that this service will probably be streamed live on our YouTube channel. Click here (external site)
Everyone is again welcome to meet and get to know others over coffee, squash and biscuits, in the Old Stables after the service. As before turn left!
6.30 pm Sunday - Evensong
This traditional service with hymns uses the Book of Common Prayer: a sermon is preached, the Canticles, the hymns and the setting are sung, whilst the Psalm is said. This service is held every 1st and 3rd Sunday of the month.
Daily Offices
Morning Prayer is usually said in the church on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 8am.
Evening Prayer is usually said in the church on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 5pm.
Morning and Evening Prayer last 20-25 minutes. We use Common Worship prayer books, and the service includes a psalm, prayers and readings. Anyone is welcome, you can join in or just listen and enjoy the peace.
Please click here to check on which dates the Daily Offices are NOT being said.
11.00 am Wednesday Mornings
Each Wednesday a short said Communion Service is held, in church, following the Common Worship Order.
This is the same order of service as used on Sunday mornings at 10.00am.
Details of times you can access the church for private prayer may be found by clicking here